● We liaise with the key personnel in advance of your event to help plan the catering arrangements at your event and to resolve any pre-event concerns or issues highlighted at Safety Advisory Groups (SAG) and Joint Agency Meetings (JAMs).
We are able to meet with;
- Event managers & festival organisers
- Concession management & catering managers
- Artist liaison/management
- Local authority environmental health officers (EHOs), including representing you at Joint Agency meetings and Safety Advisory Group
- Food Business Operators / Caterers
● We can check that all mobile food traders are legally registered with a local authority
● We can verify a food traders current food hygiene rating to ensure only the best caterers are invited to operate at your event
● We can review the outcome of the traders most recent food hygiene inspection and verify that any food hygiene issues have been remedied
● We can verify that all food handlers / chefs will be adequately supervised, instructed or trained in food safety to the required level
● We devise an event specific food trader inspection plan for your event to verify that food traders are operating to the highest standards.
● We help install confidence with event organisers and the local authority with our proven track record of increasing hygiene standards
Not sure where to start? Go Safe Events are here to help.
Here are some key points to consider;
● Is the food trader registered as a food business with a local authority?
● What was the outcome of the traders last food safety inspection, did the trader achieve a food hygiene rating of 5?
● Have food traders got a documented food safety management system in place and importantly will it be followed?
● Can you ensure the food handlers at your event will be adequately supervised, instructed and/or trained in food safety matters?