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●    During an event we offer on-site support for either part of or the full duration of the event.

●    Our qualified Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) are experienced at undertaking food hygiene inspections of mobile caterers operating at large outdoor events and festivals.


●    We undertake inspections of  food traders to identify food hygiene and safety issues to ensure caterers are providing food that is safe for the public and event staff to eat.


●   We work closely with caterers and local authority EHOs to resolve any problems found to limit the potential of food poisoning, food contamination and also local authority formal enforcement action from occurring.

●   The primary aim of our inspections are to ensure the food being stored, handled and produced is safe to eat.

During an food trader inspection we;


●    Provide all necessary guidance and advice

●    Inspect the condition of the food unit and associated equipment

●    Identify potential hazards and the risk of food poisoning occurring

●    Assess the knowledge and competency of food handlers

●    Review the food safety management system implemented by the food business and the effectiveness of the safe methods followed, controls and any checks carried out

●    Complete an electronic inspection record summarising the inspection findings and key issues found

The key food hygiene and safety issues looked at during an inspection include;

●    Temperature control

●    Cross contamination

●    Allergen Information & labelling

●    Personal hygiene

On identification of any food safety or hygiene problems we will work with the unit manager to resolve the matter immediately or if needed revisit the food unit within an appropriate timescale.

Find out about the post event support we can offer below........
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